Jeffery & Elysa

Jeffery & Elysa
The cute couple of Elysa and Jeffery

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

On My Own - Chapter Four - Back To School

On My Own
Chapter Four -
Back To School

When I woke, it felt like everything was just a dream. The kiss... walking home... the satisfaction that Jeff was mine. Then it hit me -- Jeff was MINE!!! I could feel a smile creeping across my face. I slowly opened my eyes after pondering this for about a miniute or so. This room would be my room for a while now. I thought that running away just seemed to be the best decision ever for me.

"Morning sleepy head! It's almost 6:30! You might be late!! Now hurrry up!" Said a voice somewhere in my room. Not sure where it came from, I searched, and found Jeff, with a broad smile, sitting there like a God, wearing my school uniform!

"What?" I groaned while rubbing my eyes, "Why are you in my school uniform???"

"Well DUH! I go to your school. We're in the same math class. Remember?" Jeff asked.

I had never once put the fact that Jeff the intern Para-med, and Jeff from 6th period math class was one person. I guess it made sense. If he wanted to be a doctor, he'd need to be good at math. "Oh. Wouldn't that kind of make you 16? wow. And by the way, my stupid father's going to look for me at school, and I haven't got my school uniform here either."

"Well, thatt's taken care of. You'll be hanging out with me and my friends, NO CANTACT WITH YOURS! And I got one of my girl friends to lend you her uniform until I get enough money to buy you a new one. So chill, and put this on. I'll meet you in the kitchen in 10 'kay, and you have all your books here. I made sure. When you left home, you must've taken the wrong bag."

"O-okay." I stuttered as Jeff left the room and I clambered out of bed to get dreesed. The uniform seemed to fit me exactly as my old one did. That was a plus. But I wanted to look completly different. So I grabbed my school bag from the corner, and pulled out my make-up bag from it. I put some more eyeliner on then I usually do (I usually didn't wear any), wore an eyeshadow that I had never worn before, and put my hair back in a high ponytail. I took another look in the mirror. I still looked like me, just a bit less so. That was good. I put the make-up bag back in my school bag, and slung it over my shoulder, then waled out into the small living area.

"YO! Look at you! You're a little less you now. Why'd you do that?" Jeff asked, sounding astonished.

"So that if I happen to encounter, father, or Step-Brother, or ANY of his or my mates, hopefully they won't recognize me." I answered simply. I had already been ready for this question. "So, ready to go???" I asked Jeff.

"I am. You're not. You need food in your stomach."

"Don't eat breakfast. I can't handle it. I won't eat it unless you want me to throw up all over the place in twenty miniutes. And no I'm not Balimic." I answered the question that Jeff was about to ask.

"Okay, okay! No need to eat me! At least take the lunch I packed you."

"No need to treat me like a two-year old." I mumbled, "I'm used to making my own lunches."

"Well, I'll make your lunches for a while, until you know what you're doing missy."

I got my luch, and we walked to school hand-in-hand, and smiling all the way, and sometimes a little kiss. But all in all, not too eventful. Meeting his friends was the same. And the day was kindof boring, exept a teacher picking on me in a class with one of my friends. It happenned to be the boyfriend I broke up with only a week previously. He turned around, stared at me, then shock crossed his face. I dashed out of that class when the bell rang, and got to my next class quickly. That next class happenned to be 6th period math... With Jeff! I smiled when I dashed in and saw him sitting there.

When I sat down behind him where my seat was, he turned around and asked, "Couldn't wait to see me could you?"

"No, I needed to Get away from Alexander. The teacher picked me, and he turned around. To avoid annoying questions, I dasked out of the class. He's going to probably try and find me after school. Sadly." I answered Jeffs question. "But I'm smiling because I get to see you."

Jeff chuckled and smiled at me, "Talk to you after class, Mrs.Rumiguyer is about to call the class together in 3-2-"

"Okay class! Time to bunker down." Mrs.Rumiguyer called to the class.

"See?" Jeff whispered to me before he turned around.

Math class was extremly hard to concentrate on while Jeff was infront of me. I kept on looking at the back of his head. I couldn't help it. When class was dismissed I was about to stand, but Jeff quickly grabbed my arm, and turned around to face me again.

"I suggest we wait a bit.. Alexander'll be there by now I'd bet. I've seen him meet up with you as soon as you walk out of the classroom. So, if he doesn't give up, hope and he comes in, let's try and prove you're not you, 'Kay?" Jeff had me there. And before I knew it, he had leaned in and kissed me, right accross my desk. And sure enough, as soon as we stopped, there was Alexander, looking completly stunned.

"o-oh, oh, I'm sorry, I know Elysa's in this class, I guess she must've left. and I didn't recognize her. okay so - WAIT! Elysa! That's you! Why were you kissing... him??? Guess you're the rebound type then." Alexander said, sounding pretty mad.

"Dude, what are you talking about?? This is my girlfriend, Jessica. I know Elysa's in this class, but she's not here now. So chill." Said Jeff urgently. We quickly walked past Alexander, I shrinked into Jeff's shoulder as we passed.

when we got out side, Jeff seemed to get pretty mad pretty fast. I started to freak out... I had never seen Jeff this angry before.. I didn't think he'd take it THAT personal. Alexander only wanted to make him mad at me, and he got his reaction. That wasn't too good. not at all.

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