Jeffery & Elysa

Jeffery & Elysa
The cute couple of Elysa and Jeffery

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

On My Own - Chapter One

On My Own
Chapter One -
An Introduction

So here I am. On my own. Age fifteen. How sad am I? Running awqay from home at this age? That deserves a well earned sigh. But I think I'm better off this way. I mean, my father is abusive, and my step-mother's a really bad drunk. No doubt in the world that my father's going to try and find me. I guess that means I won't get to go to school for a while. Unless I want my dad to beat me. So seeing as I'm not going to get any support for anyone, exept maybe some homeless people, I think I should hide out at a friends house for a few days. Untiol I got a job at least. Maybe this wasn't the best way of approching my life in this moment in time. I should've gone to my aunt and ashed to live there. I'd still be going to the same school... But why botherr with the court? All my dad's going to say is that I shouldn't live with my aunt because she's a tart, and only has one kid that is already 25 and doesn't remember what it is like to raise a child. Then thew court would take my father's side, and I'd be stuck up in that hellhole called a home, and given 50 lashes for sending him to court on my own behalf. So what's the bother? Living at home is a nightmare, and I'm not allowed to tell my friends about how I'm bruised all the time. And not to mention the fact that my step-brother beats on me and gets away with it, because my step-mother is so drunk all the time she doesn't care, and my father says "He's not MY god-given child, so he's not my resposibility!" So then I get my step-brother's friends coming up to me and flirting with me and hitting on me, and asking me out non-stop, and when I say "no" to then every day, they beat on me, and after his friends leave, my step-brother beats on me! And I can't even tell my friends that! WHY?! Because then my father will beat on me! Then my friends won't even come over to my house because they see my bruises, and don't want to get them themselves. That would probably actually happen too! My life is so sad. So that's why I've run away from home basically. It became too much to deal with. So now I'm on the street by myself. I'm surprized that I haven't done drugs before.

"Elysa! is that you?" came a voice from behind me.
I turned around, and it just so happens to be my step-brother and his rubbish mates. So I run for it. I've turned around, they know it's me. I will not risk being caught by father! I can't stand another miniute in that hellhole! I've got to run, but I know that they're faster then me. But chances are that they're high, and they can't tell I'm running at all. But then again...


It was like hitting a brick wall. But of course, it was one of step-brothers mates. He grabbed my arm, and I stuggled. I will not do with anpother beating from him, or Father, OR Step-Brother! I will not tolerate it!

"Don't struggle Elysa. Don't make me hurt you. You know I don't wanna. But that's only because you're so pretty." Brick said in his normal deep voice.

"Brick, You know what? ou beat me up every day, so just LET GO!" I screamed. "Now that I CAN fight back, I WILL if I have to!"

"You wouldn't hit me! You've never even hit Josh! He told us!" boomed Brick. I couldn't take much more of this, I was going to get away somehow.

I stomped on Brick's foot, and as he was bending down to mend it, I lifted my knee quickly and sacked him. "That'll teach ya! Now GO AWAY!"

I started running again, this time I ran down an alleyway. But there was garbage everywhere, and not only that, but homeless people, and they were selling stuff! I couldn't deal with this either. So I ran farther down the alleyway. The apartments looked threatening, as if they could fall down on me any second. Then I saw orange. Bright orange, mixed with red. It was a fire. I ran closer, and closer. Someone I knew lived there. I could feel it. I got there. And sure enough, it was Alyssa's building. She's my best friend! I couldn't handle it. The fumes were over-powering, and I felt like I was about to fall. Everything was blurring... I couldn't stand anymore... and I was falling deep into nice, cool, blackness....


  1. LOL too much detail but still a pretty interesting story keep it up!.

  2. Like I said keep it up and i'm sorry.(please unblock me)
