Jeffery & Elysa

Jeffery & Elysa
The cute couple of Elysa and Jeffery

Sunday, May 24, 2009

On My Own - Chapter Three - Outside

On My Own
Chapter Three -

As soon as Jeffery left, I felt a bit sad. As if he was my own source of light and happiness. When they wheeled me up to my room, they asked my name once again. I told them I didn't want to tell anyone. They said it was for visitors. But I still refused. After about a half hour of arguing, they left me in peace. So I took that bit to tell Jeffery what room I was in. He told me some good news, and the news was that Alyssa was in the room next to mine! I decided that tomorrow, I would go see her. After they let me out. The good thing was that the nurse told me I'd only have to be a one night patient. They were going to let me out after dinner the next night. I was able to fall asleep peacefully and happily.

I dreamt about Jeffery and I. it was a happy dream. A dream about us being together like as a couple. It was a blur of happiness. But when I woke up, I felt the same that I had when Jeffery dropped me off at the hospital last night. I ate breakfast in a haze, wondering about Jeffery and I. Finally deciding that it wasn't even possible for us to date. But after the nurse picked up my tray, she announced that there wqas someone outside waiting to see me. When she walked out, in he stepped. It was an automatic smile thing.

"Hey, so how's it going?" he asked.

"GREAT! what've you been up to this morning?" I asked, completely forgetting that he didn't even know my name.

"Not much actually," he said as he pulled up a chair next to my bed and sat down "You were basically the only excitement I got all night last night. But I'm still wondering. What's your name?"

"oh. I forgot you didn't know. It's Elysa. Wow. I'm surprised I didn't tell you that earlier. So don't you gotta work today?" I asked hoping against hope that he didn't have to work.

"Nope. I'm an intern, so since today's Saturday, I don't have to work today, thank goodness. And besides, I gotta show you my flat. I mean, if you want to live with me. I mean, of course I have a spare room for you. And well... I'm not saying this well am I?" Jeffery said.

"Well, Jeffery. Living with you at your flat sure beats living on the streets. And it sure is a good thing there's a spare room. Or else I would've taken to the streets. so, after they let me out of this place, you'll show me round your flat?" I asked, wanting to drain information out of him.

"Sure. When do you get out of here? And By the way, just call me Jeff."

"I get out after dinner. That okay with you?" I asked.

"Yep. completley fine. I just have to go to the store and get food 'kay? I'll come by about 4:30, got it. I'll get you out." Jeff said then winked ad left.

The day continued pretty boringly. No special events. And when Jeff picked me up after dinner, he drove me to his flat. It was quite neat and spacious. When he showed me my room, I fell in love with it immediatley.

"OH MY GOD JEFF! I love it!!!" I exclaimed as I walked around the room. I could feel Jeff looking at me, but I didn't care.

"Well, it's all yours if you want it."

"Well OF COURSE I want it." I said as I bounded right up to him and hugged him. As soon as I realized what I had done, I blushed, and backed off. I loked up at him, and noticed him blushing too.

"Hey, Elysa, do - do you w-wanna go on a walk in that park w-with me?" Jeff stammered.

"uh - s-sure." I answered while stammering. We left the flat, and walked to the park. We chatted about stuff, and slowly, I stopped blushing about the hug accident. I noticed he was calming down as well. But when a murder of crows passed by, I couldn't stop myself.

"Aren't the crows beatutiful against the sunset?" I asked sighing.

"Yeah. They're so pretty." Jeff looked into my eyes for the first time, and I noticed his eyes were such a pretty shade of blue. I looked back, and then, as if I couldn't help myself, just as if he were the same, he bent down, and kissed me, and I kissed him back. It was if an explosion went of inside my heart, and I could see fireworks behind my eyelids.

We walked back to the flat, hand-in-hand, and my head leaning on his shoulder. But when we got there, someone was there. He seemed to be laughing at Jeff.

"Mate! What about Jen? What you going to do about her huh?" Jeffs friend asked.

"OH damn! I forgot!" Jeff pulled out his cell phone and started going through his contacts, and then when he got the right one, clicked it, and started speaking. "hey, Jen... uhm... I have some bad news......" "... Well, it's... it's over. I'm sorry. I didn't want to cheat on you..." "... Yes, there's another gi-" he cut off then by some obvious screaming and crying on the other end. it was so loud, Jeff had to hold the phone at arms length. When the screaming finished, it seemed she hung up, because Jeff closed his cell. He seemed a bit more down, but then looked at me, then his friend, and seemed to lighten up.

"well, on the bright side, you can date Jen now" Jeff said cheerily.

"well yeah. Oh by the way, I'm Jeff's friend, Joseph. You can call me Joe... Who are you?" Joe asked.

"Oh, I'm Elysa... No nickname for me though." I stated, and the three of us walked into Jeff's and I's flat to finish off a magnificent day.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

On My Own - Chapter Two - Jeffery Lumbart

On My Own
Chapter Two -
Jeffery Lumbart

When I awoke, I was in a small room surrounded by people. Faintly I could hear an annoying sound. It was as if the annoying sound was only muffled by one wall. Everything was still rather blurry. But I wasn't near that fire thank goodness! But what about Alyssa? I tried to bolt up. But something was stopping me. I was strapped by something, and to something quite uncomfortable.

"Where am I?" I croaked. my throat was sore. I didn't want to talk anymore now that my voice was this bad.

Someone laughed next to me, "You're in an ambulance on your way to the hospital. I would of thought you to guess with those sirens going. But maybe not. It's my first month, so I haven't got the hang of it yet. But you seem to not have any identification, so we can't know who you are. Plus, you had no one with you, so we don't know who your parents are either. Care to tell us?" the paremedic asked kindly. I squinted at his name tag. It said Jeffery. And he didn't look older then maybe 20, plus the fact that he was attractive.

"Oh... uhm. I really don't want to say Dr.-" I squinted again,"- Lumbart." To my surprize, everyone laughed, along with him.

"Aha! You sure are funny. I'm no doctor... Yet. I'm still an intern. HOPING that someday I'll be a doctor. But seriously. We really do need to know who you are, and your address, and your home phone number so we can contact your parents. So please help us out miss." Said Jeffery paitently.

"You're so specific. I wish I didn't have to. Plus, I hate my parents. There's nothing wrong with me though! Why can't I just go home?" My mind was bouncing around everywhere. I couldn't press only one point. Plus, I was still thionking about - "ALYSSA! Where's Alyssa Neverworth?" I finished my thought outloud. Hoping to express my points well, and clear before anything more happenned.

"Alyssa Neverworth? Hmm..." Jeffery the paremedic pondered this for a bit then answered, "I think she's in another ambulance with a coleuge of mine. Does that help? And if it does, why won't you tell us your address and phone number and name?"

"The information of Alyssa makes me nervous. And the reason I'm not telling you anything about me is because if I tell you my name, you go to Yellow pages. If I tell you my address, you find my 'parents'. And if I tell you my phone number, you call my parents. I'd really rather not be beaten up this evening thank you very much." I said my last sentence in a clipped tone of voice. Trying to finalize things, now hoping that I hadn't woken up yet.

"Okay. You stalled long enough. We're at the hospital now. You can be happy. You got away this time." He made an obviously fake grumpy face that made me laugh, but I started to choke on too much air. All the para-meds reacted the same, and all at the same pace - immediatley. But before the could even beat the choking out, I had gotten my breathing back to normal.

"okay, Jeff, here's a tip. Don't kill the patients before they're even in the hospital next time." said another para-med. "But, since you're the only one that's gotten a chance to talk to 'patient unknown'" he chucled at his own joke... very sad "And since you've made her laugh. Why don't you bring 'er in? 'Kay?"

"Okay Chuck." Jeffery said as the ambulance stopped. as soon as it happened, The doors opened, and my stetcher was being lifted. Jeffery got up too. and when my stretcher hit ground, he started pushing it towards the doors.

Once alone, and out of earshot. Jeffery started talking again. "So, a runaway like me are you?" he asked. How had he guessed?

"uh-huh. Don't tell anyone though. Kay?"

"Kay. But why'd you do it?"

"Step-brother, and his mates beat on me, along with father. And my Step-mother is a really bad drunk. It doesn't matter if I go to a private school anymore. Doesn't matter if I got money. Only thing that matters is living, and my friends."

Jeffery bent down low to my ear and whispered, "You're just like me at your age. Tell ya what, I'll come see ya tomorrow, and just tell me what room your in. 'Kay? here's my cell" he wrote down his cell number and gave it to me. That was kinda creepy and stalker-ish. "no need to tell me yours kay?"

"O-OK. but uhm... wh-why?" I stammered.

"I was hoping maybe I could help you avoid people, and lay low. you're more clever then I was." We had gotten into the Emergency room, and we were just waiting there. He put the stetcher next to a wall, patted my head and left.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

On My Own - Chapter One

On My Own
Chapter One -
An Introduction

So here I am. On my own. Age fifteen. How sad am I? Running awqay from home at this age? That deserves a well earned sigh. But I think I'm better off this way. I mean, my father is abusive, and my step-mother's a really bad drunk. No doubt in the world that my father's going to try and find me. I guess that means I won't get to go to school for a while. Unless I want my dad to beat me. So seeing as I'm not going to get any support for anyone, exept maybe some homeless people, I think I should hide out at a friends house for a few days. Untiol I got a job at least. Maybe this wasn't the best way of approching my life in this moment in time. I should've gone to my aunt and ashed to live there. I'd still be going to the same school... But why botherr with the court? All my dad's going to say is that I shouldn't live with my aunt because she's a tart, and only has one kid that is already 25 and doesn't remember what it is like to raise a child. Then thew court would take my father's side, and I'd be stuck up in that hellhole called a home, and given 50 lashes for sending him to court on my own behalf. So what's the bother? Living at home is a nightmare, and I'm not allowed to tell my friends about how I'm bruised all the time. And not to mention the fact that my step-brother beats on me and gets away with it, because my step-mother is so drunk all the time she doesn't care, and my father says "He's not MY god-given child, so he's not my resposibility!" So then I get my step-brother's friends coming up to me and flirting with me and hitting on me, and asking me out non-stop, and when I say "no" to then every day, they beat on me, and after his friends leave, my step-brother beats on me! And I can't even tell my friends that! WHY?! Because then my father will beat on me! Then my friends won't even come over to my house because they see my bruises, and don't want to get them themselves. That would probably actually happen too! My life is so sad. So that's why I've run away from home basically. It became too much to deal with. So now I'm on the street by myself. I'm surprized that I haven't done drugs before.

"Elysa! is that you?" came a voice from behind me.
I turned around, and it just so happens to be my step-brother and his rubbish mates. So I run for it. I've turned around, they know it's me. I will not risk being caught by father! I can't stand another miniute in that hellhole! I've got to run, but I know that they're faster then me. But chances are that they're high, and they can't tell I'm running at all. But then again...


It was like hitting a brick wall. But of course, it was one of step-brothers mates. He grabbed my arm, and I stuggled. I will not do with anpother beating from him, or Father, OR Step-Brother! I will not tolerate it!

"Don't struggle Elysa. Don't make me hurt you. You know I don't wanna. But that's only because you're so pretty." Brick said in his normal deep voice.

"Brick, You know what? ou beat me up every day, so just LET GO!" I screamed. "Now that I CAN fight back, I WILL if I have to!"

"You wouldn't hit me! You've never even hit Josh! He told us!" boomed Brick. I couldn't take much more of this, I was going to get away somehow.

I stomped on Brick's foot, and as he was bending down to mend it, I lifted my knee quickly and sacked him. "That'll teach ya! Now GO AWAY!"

I started running again, this time I ran down an alleyway. But there was garbage everywhere, and not only that, but homeless people, and they were selling stuff! I couldn't deal with this either. So I ran farther down the alleyway. The apartments looked threatening, as if they could fall down on me any second. Then I saw orange. Bright orange, mixed with red. It was a fire. I ran closer, and closer. Someone I knew lived there. I could feel it. I got there. And sure enough, it was Alyssa's building. She's my best friend! I couldn't handle it. The fumes were over-powering, and I felt like I was about to fall. Everything was blurring... I couldn't stand anymore... and I was falling deep into nice, cool, blackness....