Jeffery & Elysa

Jeffery & Elysa
The cute couple of Elysa and Jeffery

Sunday, August 2, 2009

On My Own - Chapter Five - The Freakout

On My Own
Chapter Five -
The Freakout

By the time I was able to cathch up to Jeffery, he was already at his house pacing back and forth with a very angry look on his face. It seemed as if he would never have that warm creamy look in his eyes. I decided I would sit down on the floor, like I used to when my actual mother would lecture me. It was a way of saying I didn't deserve the luctury of sitting on the coutch. Once I sat down on the floor, Jeff automatically stopped moving, and turned to look at me.

"You are acting like a child, why aren't you sitting on the couch?" Jeff asked a bit out of character for his look right now.

"I didn't think I deserve that comfort right about now, do you agree or not? If you chose one, I'm about to be chastised, do I deserve comort when I did something wrong, or not. I don't think so." I answered in a sad voice, all the while looking down at the floor.

"You know what? I agree with you. For me to be a rebound guy right now isn't fair to me. That just means that I'm just someone to help you. That's not very fair. not at all, do you agree of not?"

"I agree."

"You agree that easily? Wow, you're a tough nut to crack. Aren't you supposed to be agruing back at me?" Jeff asked, once mpre, quite odd.

I looked up at Jeff as if the thought offended me. It actually did, because I knew this was extremly wrong. It was stupid to date only two weeks after I dumped Alexander. It made me look like a slut. so I stood up very quickly, still looking at the floor, not showing Jeff my tears. Because tears reasemble weakness, and I'm not weak in the slightest. "I-I'm s-s-s-sorry J-Jeff. I didn;t m-mean t-to do something l-like this t-to you. D-doing this makes m-me seem horrible. S-so once m-more, I-I'm s-s-so sorry Jeff. I'll leave you alone now."

When I went to the room I slept in the ight before, and came out with the bag I had come there with, and started going to the main door, Jeff ran ahead of me, and blocked off the door. So once again, I looked down to my feet, not showing the tears that brimmed my eyes to badly, my sight was so blurry, it was hard to see everything, it looked like colourful smudges. "You're not leaving the apartment at all Elysa. I'm not so mean as to kick you back on to the street. I thought you were bluffing. I can't do something like that to the girl I love."

"I highly doubt you love me Jeff. You can stop holding in your laughter and allow me to go onto the street. I think I'll go home, and get my fifty beatings." I said. My whimpering had subsided, so I wasn't stuttering anymore.

"For one, I'm not laughing, for another; don't you mean fifty lashings, not beatings? And one more, I"m not allowing you to leave, and I DO love you, I've never felt like this before in my life, at least not this strong before. If you were to leave now, I might feel pain for days- not months. I don't care anymore if I were a rebound guy, I still love you." Jeff said. It seemed that my body needed those tears now, because I had no blurry vision, but my eyes no doubt would be bloodshot.

"I love you too Jeff, but you don't deserve someone like you. You are far to kind for your own good." I mumbled.

"I think it's we deserve eachother. How good am I? I dumped my girlfriend because I was dating you. We both fucked up, we deserve eachother now." Jeff said as he took my backpack, and pulled into a hug to strong, and warm, it was like a life preserver. It felt like it would protect mr from anything no matter what, so I hugged him back. But sadly, the hug had to end, Jeff unwraped his arms from around me, and stepped back, but only a baby step.

So many thoughts were runing through my mind so fast I could follow them to much. What, is he going to laugh? am I going to die. Will he beat me up? Will step-brother show up? Will Father show up? Will his ex show up? All those thoughts and not the one that really happenned.

Jeff Looked down at me, and lifted my head with his index finger, and looked me square in my bloodshot eyes, and whispered the words "I love you" and suddenly, we were making out. I didn't know what was happening at all.

+++++ = = = +++++

I woke up and I rolled over and I saw a wall. I could have sighed audiably. That meant I hadn't lost my virginity. THANK GOD! There are some miracles do happen. It means it was only a make-out session. That's good. Losing your virginity at age 15 isn't the best thing in the world. I decided I would crawl out of bed at a slow rate... Trying to forget the feeling of scared when I woke up.

"Once more you're sleepy. But not as bad as yesterday. Come on!" Jeff said. His head (Perfectly combed and made to look tousled) poking around the corner. He left, and shut the door behind him. I got out of bed, already shaken off the scared feeling. I got dressed, and today, not having time to eat breakfast, ran out the door with Jeff. Him and I holding hands the whole way. We made it with 10 miniutes to the bell. That was a good thing. Whatever happenned today, I do't think could be as bad as what happenned as yesterday. And now that scared feeling showed up once more in the pit of my stomach. I turned, and vomited into a bush.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing... worrying. Hey, you wanna meet my friends today?" I asked Jeff.

"You can't, isn't your step-brother, and Father looking for you?"

"Oh I can't? Watch this." And I ran over to my friends so fast that Jeff couldn't keep up. Once Jeff showed up, all my friends looked at him like an alien. considering her was a senior, then looked at me and looked at me like an alien.

"What's happenned Elysa? wy is HE here.. You know.. a SENIOR?" Liza-lee asked.

"Oh? You didn't hear? This is Elysa's new boyfriend. I'm sad she didn't tell you." Alexander said.

"Rebound?? why Elysa.. You're not that type. And you know Step-Brother is looking for you. You know that right????"

"Yes. I know that. I ran away rom home. I met Jeff here, and then we made out, and now we're dating." I said.

"So, you're using him for a bed to sleep in?" Liza-lee asked.

"No, I'm not.. thanks a lot Liza."

Just after I finished that, Jeff pulled me into a hug, and all my friends gasped at our closeness... So today, it was friends.. OH my god.